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Amina’s Story

woman wearing white and multicolored floral top front of flower garden


Amina lived alone in a basement flat with stairs, she has a large family network and she is a widow. Her mobility was poor, she used a walking stick, she had complex health problems; including high blood pressure, diabetes, she had two knee operations, and suffered pain in her hips.

Amina lived on a very small Pension, we carried out a Benefits Assessment for her, we discovered that she was eligible to claim Pensions Credit and Attendance Allowance also. This increased her income considerably.

Her family noticed that she was slightly confused about small things, this was not like her at all. Amina then found that one day whilst she was out she lost her way and could not get back home. She managed to stop a black taxi, the Taxi driver was able to drive her around the local area until she saw her home. Her family were very concerned by this and contacted me.

Our Response

We immediately advised that a referral should be made to the Memory Service in her local area. We arranged for an assessment for devices within the home to help with her memory loss, such as a Key Reminder door alarm, and a Medication box with an Alarm.

Her family contacted me after Amina experienced another fall at home. We immediately made a referral for Grab rails all the way along the hallway, and in the bathroom, the toilet, and the kitchen areas. We also requested a referral to the Occupational Therapist for support with Skills for getting yourself up after a fall. As the situation for Amina became too unsafe for her to remain at home the family; together with Amina, decided that some form of supported living would be best, and we supported her to move into Extra Care Housing.

Amina had an independent property of her own, very close indeed to family members. She found that many of her friends from the local community were living there already. In addition she took part in Art, Music, Bingo, and ran her own bible study classes; living in the community independently Amina had been a pastor at the local Church.

As Amina got older she became more vulnerable and required much more care and support. She could no longer, cook, and clean, or bath herself without a Hoist. Amina and her family were supported with looking into what she would like to do in terms of supported accommodation, whether that was living at home with family members, or moving to a Nursing Home with 24hr qualified Nursing Staff for care and support.


Amina moved into a facility providing Nursing care, she is still actively participating in the activities run by the home, but is now able to access the nursing care that she requires also. Her family continue to visit her, they can also call on Zoom, on What’s App, and they can call and get updates from the nursing staff.


All names and personal identifying information has been changed to protect identity of individuals.

Paying for care

Bryan contacted us as he had questions about funding the nursing home for his parents. We were able to support Bryan and his family and reduce the amount the family had to pay towards the care.

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Independent Living Accommodation

Sonia had been living alone independently, family and friends were extremely concerned as there had been a number of unsafe incidents. We were able to support the family with locating safe, comfortable, local, independent living accommodation.

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Benefits Maximisation

Ruth and John contacted us as they had both been furloughed due to COVID-19. They were experiencing financial hardship and had been using food banks for food.

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