Case Studies

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Independent Living Accommodation

Sonia had been living alone independently. She had support from her children who visited each week to check on her. However, her family reported that Sonia was becoming forgetful, an incident occurred where Sonia had left the cooker on and a small fire was started. Family and friends were extremely concerned as there had been a number of such incidents.

Sonia, friends, and family, held a meeting with me, we discussed support options. Sonia decided on extra care accommodation with 24hr support. We supported the family with searching for the ideal accommodation for Sonia and a suitable extra care property was found for her. Sonia moved into extra care where she has settled in very well indeed the family visit throughout the week. Sonia now has her own independent living accommodation in a care environment with round the clock, individually tailored care.


All names and personal identifying information has been changed to protect identity of individuals.

Paying for care

Bryan contacted us as he had questions about funding the nursing home for his parents. We were able to support Bryan and his family and reduce the amount the family had to pay towards the care.

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Independent Living Accommodation

Sonia had been living alone independently, family and friends were extremely concerned as there had been a number of unsafe incidents. We were able to support the family with locating safe, comfortable, local, independent living accommodation.

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Benefits Maximisation

Ruth and John contacted us as they had both been furloughed due to COVID-19. They were experiencing financial hardship and had been using food banks for food.

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