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Information for Carers

The Care Act gives carers the right to receive support from their local authority if they have eligible needs. You can get this support through a carer’s assessment. If you care for someone, you have a legal right to have your caring needs assessed. A carer’s assessment should look at all your needs.

A Carer Personal Budget (previously known as a carers break award) is an amount of money awarded to you, to give you a break from your caring role or to buy something that makes your life easier. It is not means tested and if your application is successful, you have a wide choice about how the money is spent.

Read more on the Carer’s Network

Frequently Asked Questions

Types of Care

Seeking care doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. Once you get to know the different types of care that are available to you, establishing a care plan that suits your individual needs will come naturally.***

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The Care Act​

The Care Act 2014, which came into effect in 2015, is the legal framework around how local authorities and other parts of the system should

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The Social Graces

This approach comes from the field of systemic family therapy. The word links to a way of working that acknowledges the many areas of difference

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